How To Take Care Of Bunnies For Dummies

Tova Shafran

If you think caring for a pet bunny is easy, you are wrong! In this article, we will go through the myths of bunny care and how you can adequately care for your fluffy pet!

Bunnies are happy in cages.

This is a myth. You may think that bunnies can live happily in a cage, but the truth is that they really need an X-pen to let them have plenty of space to roam. Or let them have free range of the house. Just make sure you bunny-proof the house first.

Bunnies are happy in cages.

This is a myth. You may think that bunnies can live happily in a cage, but the truth is that they really need an X-pen to let them have plenty of space to roam. Or let them have free range of the house. Just make sure you bunny-proof the house first.

Having no appetite is completely fine.

This is a myth. Bunnies are constantly hungry. They even eat while they poop. So if they are not eating, it is an emergency. It could mean anything from a hairball to bladder stones to kidney failure, so no matter what, your bunny medical attention within 24 hours.

Your rabbit’s cage only needs to be cleaned once a week.

This is a myth. Bunnies with enough training can use a litter box. They will never be 100 percent reliable. Because they poop once every 30 seconds and won’t want to spend all their time in the litter box, they also poop when startled, so expect to find the odd surprise on the living room rug.

Rabbits are low maintenance.

This is a myth. Rabbits need to go to exotic vets. They also need to have their nails clipped, teeth trimmed, and coats brushed regularly. Having a cute and healthy bunny takes lots of TLC.