Breaking News: Engagements Abound at Village School

Megan and her Fiancé Vlad

Charles Rabus, Editor

Coming to you with an all new exclusive look at the recently engaged Megan Wilvert and the soon to be married Cindy Pavlic, I’m Charles Rabus, let’s get right into the news.

Most recently, just over our recent April break, Megan’s boyfriend of 6 years, popped the question. (took him long enough) Obviously Megan said yes or you wouldn’t be reading this right now. (that would’ve been awkward)

Megan and her now fiancé, Vladimir, met through mutual friends one evening out. As Megan put it “…there was not an instant connection, but rather one that grew over time.” After becoming really good friends, starting to go to the gym together, and a lot of good laughs, they began dating.

Last week during  April break, Megan and Vlad took a trip to the tropical paradise of Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. After two days of rain altering Vlad’s plan, he came up with a last minute backup. While in their room packing he suggested Megan put the Larimar jewelry she had bought into a small jewelry box — he brought “just in case they bought anything” —while he looked under the bed to see if anything had been forgotten (he found a pair of shorts, by the way.) When Megan took her jewelry out of the envelope it had been temporarily stored in, she noticed there was something extra. Vlad had sneakily hidden the sparkling diamond engagement ring with blue sapphire banding at the bottom of the envelope. Megan was instantly confused and asked Vlad “What is this?!”. (She totally knew) That’s when Vlad turned to her and told Megan that she is the treasure of his life, and he wants to spend it with her. Then he FINALLY asked Megan to marry him. As Megan said, there’s no rainbow without a little rain.

A detailed look at Megan’s new bling.

As it’s all very recent they haven’t figured out the details of their wedding just yet. For right now they plan on having the wedding at Megan’s parents farm in the first week of July 2023, but this is subject to change. However, Megan did give me a little sneak peak at the theme! She said they plan on “…some seaside rustic vibes, with splashes of color to bring the feeling of tropical paradise to our wedding.”

Cindy and her fiancé, Pablo, have been dating for almost 16 years! They met back in high school, but that’s not when they started dating. They only really “knew of” each other during those 4 years of school. After graduation, they found themselves in the same circle of friends so they saw each other often. They lost touch for a few years but by some stroke of luck, ran into each other again. I guess you could say it was meant to be, because the rest, as they say, is history.

Cindy told me she never really thought about marriage; she was always more focused on her education and career. But after she and Pablo’s relationship stood the test of time, (longer than most marriages these days!) the label of “boyfriend and girlfriend” just didn’t seem to cut it anymore. So, they decided as a couple that marriage was the natural next step.  The date is set for October 22nd and for the big day, they plan on transforming their sprawling backyard into a beautiful and personalized wedding venue.

I think I can speak for everyone at Village when I say congratulations to both Cindy and Megan! We are all very excited for you and wish you nothing but the best! Both Megan and Cindy informed me that all Village staff will be invited unfortunately leaving us kids out of the fun (but what else is new?!)

Well that’s all for now folks, once again, congratulations to both of you and we hope to get more updates soon!