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The Villager

The Student News Site of The Village School

The Villager

The Student News Site of The Village School

The Villager

Soft Sugar Cookies
Soft Sugar Cookies
June 13, 2024
June 4, 2024

In Defense of ‘Sephora kids’


A lot of people often view skincare for kids and tweens in a bad light, calling these kids “Sephora kids.” But I see it as a good thing. Of course, I’m not talking about the videos of tweens messing up testers, throwing stuff, and being rude to workers. That’s extremely wrong. But, I do believe it’s not only okay, but it’s actually good for tweens to use skincare and makeup. While a kid should never be using 10 serums, a retinol, and vitamin c on their skin, a simple skincare routine is a good habit to get into.

Getting into a healthy skincare routine can help with self care and feeling more loved about yourself. No, 10 year olds should not be using a foundation and bronzer everyday, but they can use products to enhance their natural beauty. For example, I have long lashes, so I’ve used mascara for a couple of years to enhance my lashes.

Using Vitamin c and retinol at a young age could leave chemical burns on young skin and damage the skin barrier, but using a simple cleanser, a hyaluronic serum, a moisturizer, and sunscreen creates a good routine for young kids to carry into their adult lives.

A couple years ago, Claires,  Shopkins, or watching your favorite tv show was trending. Everyone did that. Now it’s skincare and makeup, so all the kids and tweens are into it just like they were the other trends.

So it’s not the kids, it’s the world around us that influences kids to want these things. And is a little serum and sunscreen so bad? In my opinion, it really isn’t!

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