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The Student News Site of The Village School

The Villager

The Student News Site of The Village School

The Villager

Soft Sugar Cookies
Soft Sugar Cookies
June 13, 2024
June 4, 2024

The Benefits of Summer Jobs

The Benefits of Summer Jobs

Summer jobs have become increasingly popular for high school teenagers. As of July 2023, it has been estimated that one in three teenagers have summer jobs. From becoming a camp counselor, to working in the fast food industry, to lifeguarding, there are plenty of options for teenagers to make some extra money and fill their summer days.

Working a summer job comes with several benefits. Those who work summer jobs can have more financial freedom, and can develop skills such as being able to manage a bank account and learning to spend responsibly. Additionally, teenage employees can gain useful experiences that can be useful in the long-term, such as developing time management skills, learning how to interact with customers, and being able to collaborate with coworkers.

They can set goals for themselves, which boosts their confidence when accomplished.

Working a summer job can help college and high school students build a resume. Future employers are more likely to hire those with higher levels of experience, who have already proven themselves to be successful by retaining previous jobs. Those with prior interview and job experience will present as more professional, knowledgeable, and articulate. Additionally, starting work as a teenager can allow employees to discover their passions and likes/dislikes, which can be useful for future job searching. For example, if someone is a camp counselor as a teenager and discovers they enjoy working with kids, they may want to consider a future career or job centered around such. On the contrary, if someone is a fast food employee and discovers they dislike working in the food industry, they’ll be sure not to consider that as an option for the future. These experiences and discoveries can set teenagers up for future success.

So what are the best ways for teenagers to find summer jobs? One of the most reliable options is to search for jobs, as many employers may push out advertisements to announce their need for employees. Another way to find a summer job is to either reach out to family and friends to see if they know of any local job openings, or to simply call potential places of employment and ask if they’re hiring. It’s important to look specifically for jobs that can incorporate someone’s skill set, and that they can see themselves working at for a long period of time. Additionally, the hours available should be convenient for the applicant, and the expectations and treatment of employees should match the applicant’s standards. In terms of salary, it’s important to ensure that minimum wage is standard for employment, and that payments are delivered on time. With all of these standards being met, summer jobs can be extremely beneficial and rewarding for teenagers, and can set them up for success.

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About the Contributor
Charlotte Roth is a Senior at Village School and is a contributor of The Villager. Charlotte is Village School’s Student Delegate to the Great Neck Board of Education, as well as the Vice President of Village School’s Student Government. She enjoys spending time with friends, traveling the world, outdoor activities, and listening to music. Charlotte is passionate about contributing to the Village School community and looks forward to working on The Villager this semester.

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