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The Student News Site of The Village School

The Villager

The Student News Site of The Village School

The Villager

Soft Sugar Cookies
Soft Sugar Cookies
June 13, 2024
June 4, 2024

The Real Costs of Convenience: Fast Food in the Age of Inflation

Credit: Pixabay

Fast food has always been a go-to for many because it’s quick, cheap, and easy to get. But lately, the cost of grabbing a burger and fries has been rising faster than most other prices. From 2019 to 2023, fast food prices jumped nearly 28%, more than the increase seen in sit-down restaurants and the overall inflation rate. This price surge makes us wonder why fast food is getting so expensive and how it’s affecting our eating habits. Emily, a junior at Village, said, “When I was younger, fast food was so much cheaper, but now it is definitely more expensive.”

One big reason for the price hike is the rising cost of ingredients and labor. While ingredient costs are starting to even out, wages have gone up a lot, especially in states like California where the minimum wage is now $20 an hour. Fast food chains like Wingstop and Chipotle are passing these higher costs on to customers. Running a fast food restaurant is also getting more expensive with higher rents, utility bills, and investments in new technology to keep up with competition.

As fast food prices rise, our eating habits are changing. Fast food used to be the cheap and convenient choice, but now more people are finding it hard to afford. This might push people to cook at home more often or look for cheaper dining options. It also raises concerns about food insecurity and health, as fast food, while convenient, is often not very nutritious. With the increase in fast food prices, this shift could ultimately lead to healthier eating habits. However, this could also make it harder for some to access quick and affordable meals.

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