Hugh Jackman has played the role of Wolverine in Marvel’s The X-Men for about 17 years now ever since his first appearance in the original X-Men back in 2000. But after years of tiring work Jackman is ready to call it a wrap, with Marvel’s Logan being one of the last films that he expects to play in the role of Wolverine. Hugh Jackman states that he is uncomfortable leaving the role, as it has been a major part of his life for such a long time. He also states that “there’s been a gnawing turmoil that I hadn’t really nailed it, fully — either story or performance or whatever,” but not with Logan

Logan is the real story behind Wolverine, with his life as a hero falling into darkness and torment. The idea was thought up by Jackman himself after being asked if he had to do one last movie and what would it be. After “a few wines” he blurted something out and then went home and went to sleep. He then later woke up to send a voice memo, and that became the basis for the plot.
The director of Logan James Mangold said in an interview, “By thinking of this as his curtain call, he arrived every day on set electric. I don’t think anyone can see this film and call it a paycheck film for him.” Hugh Jackman was not going to leave the tale of Wolverine half finished or done poorly, so he gave it his all every day in hopes that his spectacular performance would give the character of Wolverine a good ending point, one that people will remember.
Mr. Jackman said that he knew that the role would eventually get passed on and there would be a new Wolverine and that he was at peace with that, but then jokingly said, “unless Daniel Day-Lewis plays him and wins the Oscar — then I might have a little problem.”
He recently spent a lot of time in New York filming The Greatest Showman which he did not intend to pivot from The X-Men franchise, but he had been working to help develop it for some time. In this movie, he plays a showboating, larger-than-life impresario, who is almost an opposite of his role as Wolverine.
Hugh Jackman has decided that the newest film, Logan would be his last performance as Wolverine, and he is at peace that his role will be taken over by someone else and that he will have to see the role that he played for years being played by someone else.