I shamefully admit that this article has taken me two weeks to write, as I have the attention span of a chicken nugget. However, the direction of this piece is to outline the frustration that is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, more commonly known as ADHD. ADHD is a frustrating challenge that inhibits one’s ability to focus. There are multiple strains of the disorder, as some have the attention deficiency, but lack the hyperactivity. In recent years, many have called out ADD and ADHD diagnoses, saying that medication is prescribed to any child that seems to have trouble paying attention. Years ago, this was simply called daydreaming.
However, this standpoint is arguable as some genuinely need medication in order to direct focus and complete even the simplest of tasks.

Those stricken with the condition often identify similar frustrations, stating that they can forget what they’re talking about as they’re speaking, along with countless other challenges; the difficulty can become overwhelming. While an opposing stance to the disorder’s validity can be correct in certain instances, it is simply wrong to say that ADD/ADHD blatantly doesn’t exist. Doing so doesn’t do justice to those class clowns who rely on humor to cover up the disgruntlement that plagues them as they sit in class exerting every bit of effort possible to just watch themselves fail, weighed down by the burdens of impending self-destruction, as it is nearly impossible to complete anything that they’ve started.
It is important not to downplay the needs of those who need to be constantly pumped with medication, in hopes they might be able to complete even the smallest of tasks. For some, it isn’t until later in life that they are able to harbor and channel enough focus to even put a puzzle together. There truly is a enormous gap between frequent daydreamers and ADHD. Being able to distinguish between such problems is crucial to being able to fulfill the needs of both groups.