By Anthony McCarthy
The use of excessive force by police officers has become a central national controversy and discussion in recent months. Much of the conversation has focused on stories involving the deaths of unarmed black men. This can be seen in many different ways according to each case. Some view it as an indirect hate crime against persons of color, while others say the police officers in question were acting in self-defense during aggressive struggles.

Most recently, on March 9th, a man was killed in an Atlanta, Georgia apartment complex. Naked and unarmed, he was said to be mentally disabled. The policeman responding to the 911 call fired 2 shots to the chest killing the African American, disabled man. Some people claim that the victim, being dangerous, justifies forgiving the officer for shooting him on sight. In the officer’s defense, he got a call regarding this man, stating he had been acting strangely and disrupting residents in the complex. In my opinion, this is not an extreme enough reason for ending the mentally ill man’s life. This case however, can go a few ways. Obviously, the word of a policeman will hold more weight than the word of the deceased, who is voiceless. Unfortunately, I believe the police officer will most likely get off for killing an unarmed, naked, disabled black man without further investigation, creating a further rift between police and the community.
What’s your opinion on the matter? Leave a comment below.
J.T. Gomberg • Mar 13, 2015 at 2:25 pm
There’s no way to tell the officer wasn’t acting in self-defense without witnesses. I’m not saying the officer is right for killing him, but a man who’s been disturbing several residentsof an apartment complex to the point where the police were called is likely to attack an officer. Also, you didn’t cite the way in which he’s mentally disabled. It makes a big difference whether he has Asperger Syndrome or clinical insanity. Either way, there’s not enough information to indict the officer.
Sean McCarthy • Mar 12, 2015 at 11:29 pm
My son is 100% right. Unfortunately, he has even more unjust issues and events to experience in the future. With that said, I pray, he and his generation make a very well needed and well overdue future. I’m very proud of you son. Keep it up.
Kathy McCarthy • Mar 12, 2015 at 11:24 pm
I think you’re right about this. Why couldnt the police just shoot him in the leg or arm? Mentally ill people need help! By the way I’m so proud of you for a brillantly written article. Im so proud of you and love you very much!