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The Student News Site of The Village School

The Villager

The Student News Site of The Village School

The Villager

Soft Sugar Cookies
Soft Sugar Cookies
June 13, 2024
June 4, 2024

Tova’s Top Five Tips For Self Care


Every one has different ways that they take care of there physical and mental health. Here my top ten ways that I help my self feel better.

1. Journal

Journaling or scrapbooking can be a great way to have a sense of accomplishment and an awesome emotional release. Some great journal prompts are: things you are grateful for, something you’re looking forward to, or when you feel most like yourself.

2. A Hot Shower

A hot shower can truly be therapeutic. It creates physical relaxation, and the warm water helps to relax the tension in your muscles. Showering can also give you a mental break, providing a temporary escape from daily pressures. It’s also good for routine and structure which can be really important to create a sense of normalcy, which can be really helpful and comforting when you feel lie things are out of control.

3. Bake + Cook

Baking and cooking is a great way to practice mindfulness and focus. Both processes require attention to detail, which can help shift your focus away from the stressors and negative thoughts. You are also nourishing you body when you are preparing meals which can contribute to good physical health which is linked closely with mental well being. It can also be an outlet for expression and creativity.

4. Pamper Yourself

There is lots of different ways to pamper yourself. You can have a spa day at home, maybe order in or make a nice meal, take a nap, paint your nails, do your skin care routine, watch your favorite show and get cozy with a hot chocolate, treat yourself to something small like a snack or maybe a new trinket, or even try some aroma therapy, take a walk, read a book, color, listen to music. Basically do anything that makes you feel refreshed and calm.

5. A Good Cry

Crying is not always a bad thing. It can really good for emotional release. Crying provides an outlet for pent up emotions such as frustration, sadness, anger, and even joy. It can help prevent emotional overload which will reduce stress. Crying also has physical benefits. Tears contain stress hormones and other chemicals, so by crying these substances are released from your body which in turn can also lower your stress.


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About the Contributor
Tova Shafran
loves her silly little sweet treats and her comfy cozy bed.

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