Each year, Village School students and teachers go on a series of unique field trips, many of which have become great traditions. Trips are planned with great care by the one and only Sam Yellis. When choosing where to go, Sam considers obvious things not only like how long it takes to get there and how long the activity takes, but also accounts for smaller details such as whether or not restrooms are readily available or if the trip pertains to any of the classes being taught at Village.
One of the biggest things Sam takes into consideration is if the trip would be of interest to Village students. In recent years, students loved the Brooklyn Bridge and the pizza trip where students taste tested pizza from the famous Julianas and Grimaldis. Trips that have fallen out of favor, such as canoeing, are scratched from the list of potential excursions.
For the remainder of this school year, Sam has plans to visit “Ground Zero”, or the 9/11 Memorial. Then, from there, we would walk from there down to Battery Park. A trip Sam likes but hasn’t had the chance to repeat yet is the Grand Central Station trip.